HUT pizza dough ..
Ingredients for the dough.
Put in the order in your bowl of the robot with the hook
-1 cc of salt
-400 gr fine semolina of corn or wheat
-70 gr of flour
1 sachet of dry baker's yeast
lukewarm water
Put all the ingredients in the robot bowl with the hook. Add the water to your dough gradually until the dough forms a ball and comes off the sides.
The dough must not stick to the fingers.> Once your ball is formed, do not add more water and let knead ten minutes.
Cover with a cloth and leave to rest at room temperature around 30 minutes.
The quantity of dough is for 2 large pizzas. Once spread, put mozzarella on the edge and fold as shown in the picture. If necessary moisten with a little water to weld the two parts. Put the filling of your choice and bake between 20 and 30 minutes at 200 ° minimum.