HUT pizza dough ..

Ingredients for the dough.

Put in the order in your bowl of the robot with the hook

-1 cc of salt

-400 gr fine semolina of corn or wheat

-70 gr of flour

1 sachet of dry baker's yeast

lukewarm water


Put all the ingredients in the robot bowl with the hook. Add the water to your dough gradually until the dough forms a ball and comes off the sides.

The dough must not stick to the fingers.> Once your ball is formed, do not add more water and let knead ten minutes.

Cover with a cloth and leave to rest at room temperature around 30 minutes.

The quantity of dough is for 2 large pizzas. Once spread, put mozzarella on the edge and fold as shown in the picture. If necessary moisten with a little water to weld the two parts. Put the filling of your choice and bake between 20 and 30 minutes at 200 ° minimum.

This recipe is taken from Jamie Oliver's book the basic recipe being the Strogoff beef that I modified slightly even much modified. For 5 people: Two onions 1pot of 500g mixed mushrooms 1 natural yogurt 5 slices of beef steaks ......

Ingredients for 10: 1 liter of whole liquid cream 500 g mascarpone 6 cases of icing sugar 1 case vanilla liquid - sachet 500g frozen raspberries 1 package roses of Reims Chocolate chips white and black for the deco For chocolate chips I have .. ....

Recipe view on kitchen more, Bernard Laurence It's still much better the next day. For a plate of 21 on 21cm: 500g of raw cashew 90g of caster sugar 20 sheets of filo dough of 21cm on 30 200g of ghee (or melted butter) 250g ......

1 sachet frozen raspberries 150 g flour 75 g butter 120 g sugar Preparation Preheat the oven th.6 (180 °) Put the raspberries still frozen in a baking dish In a bowl, mix the flour with the sugar, then with the butter . Knead the ......