Banana crumble

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Ingredients (6 servings):

- 200 g flour

- 100 g of sugar

- 1 packet of vanilla sugar

- 1/2 pack of yeast

- 120 g of butter

- 4 bananas (everything depends of the size of the mold)

- 200 g of dark chocolate (everything depends on the tastes of each)

Recipe preparation:

Preheat your oven to 180 ° C (thermostat 6).

In a bowl, mix the flour, sugar, yeast and the contents of the vanilla sugar packet so that the mixture is homogeneous.

Cut the butter into small cubes and add it to the mixture. Mix everything with your hands so that it forms grains (do not hesitate to add butter if your grains are too small).

Wrap the chocolate in a clean towel and break it into pieces with a hammer.

Mix the broken chocolate with the rest of the preparation.

Butter your mold, cut your bananas into slices.

Arrange them in the mold and cover them with crumble dough.

Cook your crumble for 30 minutes at 180 ° C (thermostat 6).

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