
ingredient for about 5 people

20aine boudoirs or biscuit spoon

200g mascarpone

3 eggs

150g sugar

chocolate powder
tapered almond

3 coffee cup

1 rum case

use a dish of your choice, I took a rectangular dish on a medium board ...

make your own coffee so that it is cold, otherwise it will soften your cookies

in your coffee, put the rum

separate the whites of the yellows and mounted your white in snow

in another bowl, mix the yolks with the sugar

add the mascarpone, mix it up

mix delicately the white with the cream mascarpone

do your editing:

dipped the first boudoirs and formed a "bed" in the bottom of your dish

pour half of the cream, just to cover, be careful not to put everything

with a sieve, put the chocolate powder

sprinkle with flaked almonds

remake a second layer of boudoirs soaked in the coffee

pour le reste, powder chocolate, re almond slender
> to freshen up the next day !!!!!

First, thanks to Josette Morin who gave me the recipe. Ingredients/for 6 people 40 cl crème fleurette 10 cl of milk 3 sheets of gelatin 1 teaspoon of liquid vanilla 70 g of sugar Carambar sauce: 16 Carambars 20 cl of cream ......

Recipe taken on Facebook on the wall "the crazy cracked" Quantity 5 Person (s)/Preparation 15 min/Cooking 25 min/Rest 15 min Ingredients 1/2 l of milk 4 eggs 70 g of sugar 2 bags of vanilla sugar caramel ( prepared) Boil the ......

Ingredients for 10: 1 liter of whole liquid cream 500 g mascarpone 6 cases of icing sugar 1 case vanilla liquid - sachet 500g frozen raspberries 1 package roses of Reims Chocolate chips white and black for the deco For chocolate chips I have .. ....

Having no device for Churros I took my sleeve sleeve with a grooved socket the biggest I had. Ingredients: A bowl of flour A bowl of boiling water Orange blossomSugar semolina In a large bowl add the amount of flour, ......