Panna cotta crumble

Just an idea ....

I had a crumble rest, I made pana cota without grout ...

That's it ....

Pana cota au crumble ....

A treat .....

Ingredients for 5 people about 20 boudoirs or biscuit spoon 200g mascarpone 3 eggs 150g chocolate sugar tapered almond powder 3 teaspoon 1 case rum use a dish of your choice, I took a rectangular dish on board medium ... ......

The recipe is for a cake, I chose to present in mini muffin boxes, it's up to you ... So for the muffins the cooking time was 15 min For 6 people: 4 eggs 130 g sugar 80 g butter or margarine 120 ......

An idea of ​​fodder macaroons .. Simply macaroons a little bigger than the standard in which we put pastry cream, put on fresh fruit or frozen, put the home little h hop turn is play .... I advice of the ......

Recipe view on kitchen more, Bernard Laurence It's still much better the next day. For a plate of 21 on 21cm: 500g of raw cashew 90g of caster sugar 20 sheets of filo dough of 21cm on 30 200g of ghee (or melted butter) 250g ......