Churros or chichis

Not having a device for Churros I took my sleeve sleeve with the largest fluted sleeve I had.


A bowl of flour

A bowl of boiling water

Of an orange blossomSugar of a semolina

In a big bowl, add the quantity of flour, place the orange blossom and the mixed sugar a little, pour the boiling water. In a frying pan heat 1 l oil up to 180 °, put the flour mixture in boiling water in a piping bag with the fluted socket or in your appliance if you have it, When it has reached the temperature, drop some churros sausages, cook for a few minutes, taking the time to return them. When the Churros are golden remove them Delhuile and put them on a sopalain.I put them in a salad bowl or serving dish, sprinkle them with sugar, I used icing sugar decor that they do not do If you want you can melt Nutella in which you will soak your chichi.

 Churros or chichis
 Churros or chichis
 Panna cotta with carambar sauce

First, thanks to Josette Morin who gave me the recipe. Ingredients/for 6 people 40 cl crème fleurette 10 cl of milk 3 sheets of gelatin 1 teaspoon of liquid vanilla 70 g of sugar Carambar sauce: 16 Carambars 20 cl of cream ......

 Filling macaroons

An idea of ​​fodder macaroons .. Simply macaroons a little bigger than the standard in which we put pastry cream, put on fresh fruit or frozen, put the home little h hop turn is play .... I advice of the ......

 HUT style pizza dough.

Ingredients for the dough. Put in the order in your bowl of the robot with the hook -1 cc of salt -400 gr of fine semolina of corn or wheat -70 gr of flour 1 sachet of baker's yeast dry-water warm Achievement Put all the ingredients in ......

 Pea in the French jamie Oliver

INGREDIENTS 3 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 case flour 2 sucrine 2 cups frozen peas 300ml hot chicken broth (concentration or cube and hot water is fine) Make a roux with butter and flour Pour broth......