Mortar Gratin at Mont d'Or

Ingredients (4 Servings):

- 1 Morteau sausage (or 2 of Montbéliard)
- 1 Mont d'Or (round wooden box of 500 g approximately) - 1 kg of gratin potatoes
- 2 shallots
- 1 clove of garlic
- salt and pepper

cook Morteau sausage (about 30 minutes in simmering water). Meanwhile, peel the potatoes and slice the shallots and the clove of garlic.

Once the sausage is cooked, leave it on a plate and cook the potatoes. As soon as they are cooked, cut them into cubes and cut the sausage into slices or pieces.

In a gratin dish, arrange the potatoes, the pieces of sausage, the shallots and the garlic and after salting and peppered, mix everything.

Finally, arrange the Golden Mount above

cook the gratin about 20 min at 190 ° C (thermostat 6- 7).

I added a little white wine that I poured on the whole before cooking

 Mortar Gratin with the Golden Mount
 Beef my way

This recipe is taken from Jamie Oliver's book the basic recipe being the Strogoff beef that I modified slightly even much modified. For 5 people: Two onions 1pot of 500g mixed mushrooms 1 natural yogurt 5 slices of beef steaks ......


Ingredients for 5 people about 20 boudoirs or biscuit spoon 200g mascarpone 3 eggs 150g chocolate sugar tapered almond powder 3 teaspoon 1 case rum use a dish of your choice, I took a rectangular dish on board medium ... ......

 Jamie Oliver Chicken Pie

This recipe is delicious Recipes of jamie oliver INGREDIENTS: 1 puff pastry 150 gr of freshly sliced ​​fresh mushrooms 500 grs white chickens chopped 1 bunch of green onions cut into thin pieces coarse salt, cracked pepper butter 1 ......


Ingredients (for 4 people): For the brownie: - 100 g dark chocolate/hazelnut 60 g peanut butter 80 g sugar 2 eggs 80 g flour - 50 g nuts or crushed hazelnuts For the cookie: - 100 g salted butter (or add coarse salt) ......