In soft Citron
The recipe is for a cake, I chose to present in mini muffin boxes, it's up to you ... So for the muffins the cooking time was 15 min
For 6 people:
4 eggs
80 g of butter or margarine
120 g of flour
1 sachet of baking powder
juice and zest of an untreated lemon, (I put 2 + their zests)
Separate the whites from the egg yolks.
In a bowl, beat the yolks with sugar and lemon until the mixture whitens.
Add the melted butter, flour and yeast.
Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt and gently stir them in. preparation.
Divide the dough into a square baking dish (20 × 20 cm) or a buttered pastry pan.
Bake for about 20 minutes in the oven preheated to 180 ° (t h.6).
Let the cake cool, make a melon curd that you put in a pastry bag and cover the surface of the cake, then play a meringue with 1 egg white and icing sugar I "burn" with the blowtorch, be careful not to burn the paper boxes if you make small muffins ....

lemon curd at cook'in - The blog of the-kitchen-of-sophie -in-87095621.html