Panna cotta carambar sauce

First of all, thank you to Josette Morin for giving me the recipe.
Ingredients/for 6 people
40 cl whipping cream
10 milk
3 sheets of gelatin
1 teaspoon liquid vanilla
70 g sugar
Carambar sauce:
16 Carambars
20 cl liquid cream
Soak the gelatin in cold water. Pour in a pan the cream, milk, vanilla, sugar. Mix, simmer 5 minutes. Squeeze the gelatin and add it to the hot mixture and mix. Pour in clear glasses, put in the refrigerator.
To finish
The next day, prepare the Carambar sauce: Melt the Carambar in the liquid cream over low heat. Pour over the panna cotta. Return to refrigerator at least two hours before serving.